Get the Perimenopause
Well-being Tracker
A customizable tracking tool for your unique perimenopausal journey.
Use this printable tracker to get you, your body, and your care team on the same page. Literally.
Why is tracking perimenopause symptoms important?
When we start to recognize patterns in our bodies, emotions, and energy levels, we take self- awareness to a whole new (and essential) level—no matter what “stage” we’re in.
Documenting what you experience will also help you feel more confident and informed, which is helpful when meeting with your clinician and whenever you feel off balance and out of character.°
While there are certainly ranges for “normal,” bodies— and their benchmarks—are different. By creating your own baselines for comparison, you’ll soon discover what’s normal and what’s not—for you.
And that information will both inspire and empower you to make better choices in the days ahead.
“There’s nothing more powerful than acute self-awareness—and the words to describe it.”